
BARCELONA Europcar Barcelona Railway(Estacion D Sants), Espanya

Supplier details

Opening Hours
Dg.08:00 - 22:00
Dl.07:30 - 22:00
Dj.07:30 - 22:00
Dc.07:30 - 22:00
Dt.07:30 - 22:00
Dv.07:30 - 22:00
Ds.08:00 - 21:00

Equipament especial / extres opcionals:

GPS: 16,49 EUR per dia. Màxim de 89 EUR. (Sense impostos); Excés de 120 EUR; A demanda Seient infantil: 9,99 EUR per dia. Màxim 69 EUR. (Sense impostos); Excés de 80 EUR; A demanda Seient infantil: 9,99 EUR al dia. Màxim 69 EUR. (Sense impostos); Excés de 80 EUR; A demanda Seient elevador: 9,99 EUR al dia. Màxim 69 EUR. (Sense impostos); Excés de 80 EUR; A demanda Es poden demanar equips especials / extres opcionals en el moment de fer la reserva, però no estan inclosos en el preu del lloguer. Es paguen en la moneda local al taulell de lloguer.

Useful Information

Edat del conductor

De 26 a 70 anys

Edat del conductor jove: De 21 a 25 anys Càrrec 18.35 EUR per dia Màxim 178 EUR (exclou impost)

Els clients que no compleixin les limitacions d’edat no podran llogar un cotxe, excepte si hi ha una tarifa de conductor jove o sènior especificada en aquesta secció. Tingues en compte que, si s’aplica la tarifa, l’hauràs de pagar en la moneda local quan arribis a l’oficina de lloguer.

Restriccions per viatjar

Please note, all renters must obtain prior authorisation from the rental agent directly before any cross border travel commences. Please contact the car rental agency directly for more information.

You may drive a Vehicle in the following countries or territories is only allowed in mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, the territory of Gibraltar as well as in the European mainland of the following countries: Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden and Switzerland. Furthermore, in Italy, San Marino and Vatican, the use of Vehicles with the following codes ACRISS, EBMR, EDMR, CCMR, CDMR, IDMR, SDMR is only allowed, according to their equivalence in the General Rate in Force. In addition, the use of Vehicles with the following codes ACRISS, EBMR, EDMR, CCMR, CDMR, IDMR, SDMR is only allowed, according to their equivalence in the Current General Rate. The use of industrial vehicles, cargo vans and off-road vehicles is only allowed in Spain.

It is also forbidden to drive vehicles from Spain outside of the European continent, as to any island. Only the economy, compact, intermediate and standard car categories can enter Italy.

In the Balearic and Canary Islands, ONLY ONE ADDITIONAL DRIVER IS ALLOWED due to insurance restrictions.

The use of Off-road Vehicles is only permitted in Spain. Driving on unpaved roads is forbidden for all locations.

The use of commercial vehicles and cargo vans is only permitted in Spain.

Please be aware that You must comply with traffic regulations in the country where You drive the Vehicle.

Please note that is not possible to travel to Formentera from Spain or take the vehicles to Formentera independently regardless whether it is a one way or not reservation. In case you the customer attempts it, the fine from 1000 to 10000 € will be applied

The transportation of the Vehicle on board any type of boat, ship, train, lorry or aeroplane is not permitted.

Neither You nor any authorized Driver may drive the Vehicle outside the Territory. If You and / or the Driver drive the Vehicle outside the Territory, You and / or the Driver must obtain prior written consent from Europcar. In addition, you must ensure when you collect the Vehicle that it has the correct equipment to comply with the local traffic regulations of the country in which you and / or the Driver are going to drive.